• Saki Matsumura / WeWork Namba Skyo

    2019-09-18 08:31

    digmeout artist Saki Matsumura, who has exhibited in solo shows and art fairs at DMOARTS, will participate in an exhibition at WeWork Namba Sky-O, a workspace in the Namba area of Osaka. There will be an opening event during the exhibition period. Please come and see the exhibition!

    【Event Summary】
    「ARTLOGUE Gallery @WeWork Namba Skyo」
    Dates: Friday, October 4 and Tuesday, October 8, 2019
    Venue: WeWork Namba Skyo 27th floor
    10/4 (Fri.) 14:00-18:00 *Saki Matsumura will be available at the venue.
    10/8(Tue) 13:00-17:00 *Misato Kurimune will be available at the venue.
    ※Visits must be pre-registered. Two days prior to any date or visitinfo@artlogue.orgto contact us for more information.

    Organized by ARTLOGUE
    Co-sponsored by: SCHOLA Corporation
    Cooperation: WeWork Namba Skyo, DMOARTS
    TEL: 06-6467-8656/E-mail:

    ARTLOGUE Gallery @WeWork Namba Skyo" Opening Event
    Date and Time: Tuesday, October 1, 2019, 18:30-20:30 (doors open and registration starts at 18:00)
    Venue: WeWork Namba Skyo 27th floor
    Guest:Misato Kurimune, Saki Matsumura
    Moderator: Daisuke Suzuki (CEO, ARTLOGUE)
    Fee: 1,000 yen (with light meal) / 3,000 yen (with light meal and gift)
    The gift will be an original sakosh featuring a design of a work to be exhibited by Saki Matsumura.
    Where to apply: