• Re:planter exhibition The universe

    2014. 2. 05 Wed. - 2014. 2. 18 Tue.

    [Dates] 5th/Feb (wed) - 18th/Feb (Tue)
    Re:planter, Murase Takaaki who is an artist, planter mainly actives in Kyoto.
    The cocept of his series, space colony is to make a new proposal for thosepeople who lives in a small crowded living space and spends busy life.
    The plants in an inner court lightning grows with LED light and watering.
    This inner court lightning gives new perspective and richness of the mind andheal the pysical fatigue.
    Also it may gives you the start to change lifestyleby facing this beautiful macro world.
    In the venue, Re:planter will take up anorder to create your own universe so plese do not miss it and enjoy talkingwith the artist.

    [Profile of Takaaki Murase]
    Re:planter is the solo project by a planter,Takaaki Murase.
    He started to get interested in bonsai which influencedby his grand father.
    When he gets older, he started to absorbed inaquaterrarium and collecting rare plants.
    In 2012, he started the soloproject through the past experience and self education.
    It is his principlesto use recyle object such as computer, TV infrastructure and light bulb togrow plants inside.
    He expresses a warning to consuming society by usinghis art work(plants)
    The main series, Space Colony is the compilation of investigation intosmall universe within the sphere environment.
    Re:planter presents the smallgarden;space by reflecting the law of nature.

    [The dates when the artist visits]
    8th/9th/11th/15th/16th/Feb 2pm-6pm*,br>
    Opening reception will hold on 8th of Feband also he will have a live session with 2 artists,Samuel Andrea (music), Alexandre Maubert on the same day as opening reception.
    [Samuel Andrea]
    http://p0llenrec.tumblr.com/ https://soundcloud.com/ievahttp://www.discogs.com/seller/PollenRec
    Anyone will be welcomed so please come and enjoy the marvelous atmosphere.