• Shibuya Bomb “Flowers and Forms”

    2016. 2. 17 Wed. - 2016. 3. 15 Tue.

    Flowers sprout, spread leaves, pollinate, and eventually die.
    The ever-changing forms are equally interesting and deeply moving at any given moment.
    I feel that when I paint a picture of a flower, I am recording a certain scene through myself.
    In the process, I realize that I have not been looking at the shape of even a leaf, even though I usually look at it.
    This exhibition is composed of works of familiar plants, with a focus on anemones.
    We hope you can feel the story of each plant through the images.
    /Shibuya Bomb
    Shibuya Bomb
    Grew up in the center of the Chuetsu region of Niigata Prefecture, surrounded by rice paddies.
    Graduated from Osaka University of Arts (Crafts: Textiles/Dyeing).
    He mainly uses Japanese paper, acrylics, and sumi ink to create works with a wide range of motifs.
    March 15 - 30, 2014 Solo Exhibition Tea x Brahma at Yune Tea Shop
    November 14 - 16, 2014 Art Stream
    Kawachi Art Materials Award, FM802 Prize
    March 14 - 29, 2015 Solo Exhibition Hyakumo at Yune Tea Shop
    May 2015 sense o at Nakazaki-cho NOON
    July 7-20, 2015 Two simultaneous solo exhibitions at two locations: Shibuya? Brahma exhibition
    at dig me out ART & DINNER & Kawachi Art Materials, Abeno HOOP
    November 2015 Solo Exhibition at Za Gallery